Shower Enclosure or Shower Partition What are the points of attention for installing a shower enclosure?

Many people hesitate between preventing and shower partitions when it comes to fitting a bathroom. Some people think that the shower room is more homely, but others think that the partition has more modern elements, so what to choose? I'm going to talk to you about whether shower enclosures are better or shower partitions are better? By the way, we will give you some more information about the points to note when installing a shower room. Although the following content is not much, but I believe you can use it.
Shower room is good or shower partition is good
In fact, there is no one who is better or worse in these two solutions, they both have their own characteristics, only that they are applicable to different environments. Below I will talk to you about the advantages of each of these two programmes.
1. Advantages of shower partition
(1) good waterproof
When building a bathroom, the first thing that comes to mind is the performance of waterproofing. Shower room in the form of semi-closed, the bottom of the position of the water ring, so that the water produced in the bath will not spread to the rest of the bathroom. Therefore, the shower room has good waterproof performance.
(2) Good heat preservation
It is because the shower room takes a semi-closed form, so that the temperature will not spread to the outside, so the room will remain in a constant temperature range for a long time. If people are afraid of cold when taking a shower, then building a shower room can completely solve this problem.
2. Advantages of shower partition
(1) Low construction cost
If you want to build a shower partition, then you only need to purchase a shower curtain. Building a shower room can cost hundreds of dollars, and there will be some labour costs. A shower curtain, on the other hand, only costs about a dozen dollars, which is much less than preventing it. If you have a more limited budget in hand, you may want to consider this option.
(2) Save space
Although the size of the shower is also not very big, but at least it needs to take up about a square foot of space. The shower curtain only needs to be erected on the wall, and when not in use, it can even be directly stored away, which will not cause any burden on the space inside the bathroom.
Installation of shower room points of attention
1. Make a good waterproof layer
You should remember that whether it is a bathroom or a shower room, you need to do a good job of laying a waterproof layer. Otherwise, when in use, the moisture will seep into the floor underneath. Over time it is likely that the floor will fall off, and even affect the residents downstairs. Therefore, the first point of installing a shower room is to do a good job of waterproofing.
2. Floor selection
Since it is laying the bathroom floor, the first thing you can rule out is the wooden floor, then you can make a choice in the tiles. If the budget is more adequate, it is recommended to use the frosted material tiles. The tiles have a lot of small bumps on the surface and they do not become slippery when exposed to water. If you have a limited budget, you can also choose ordinary glazed tiles, but be sure to choose the semi-porcelain material.
3. Wall choice
Bathroom is a piece of water often deal with the area, so the wall material should have a certain moisture resistance. If you have a relatively large budget, you can choose to use frosted or right-surface material tiles. If you have a limited budget, you can also choose to lay the wall of plastic wood material.
Is it better to have a shower enclosure or a shower partition? The answer to this question has been told in the article. As mentioned above, both options have their own benefits, but if you have a more limited budget in hand, it's better to choose a partition. After all, the construction of the shower takes some time.